Tuesday, February 7, 2012

#Libya : #NATO Butchers - Dumping Radiation On Libyan Civilians

NATO airstrikes against Libya have already surpassed 8,000

NATO dumping radiation on Libyan civilians. 44542.jpegNATO launched nearly 3,200 attacks with depleted uranium bombs against civilians in Libya. This is the denunciation of the special envoy of Telesur, Rolando Segura. The total number of air strikes launched by the Atlantic Alliance against Libya is over 8,400 already. Almost 40% of these involved use of depleted uranium munitions, revealed the South American television journalist in his Twitter profile.
In Iraq, for example, the imperialist aggressors abundantly used projectiles containing debris resulting from the enrichment of the ore. Depleted uranium is highly valued by the military, since it is almost two times denser than lead and the perforation capacity is increased.
Besides the direct consequences of the imperialist bombings in Libya, it is necessary to take into account that depleted uranium is a radioactive substance that causes serious injuries in the renal and digestive tract, cancer in the lungs and bones and neuro-degenerative or congenital malformation in human beings.

The explosion of a DU munition reaches ten thousand degrees centigrade and releases highly toxic dust and contaminants that can travel thousands of miles. The dissipation of these particles may last for millions of years, so its effects on the environment and the inhabitants of the areas affected are perpetuated for generations.
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