Saturday, June 30, 2012

#Libya: #NATO Massacre - Images Of Victims Who Paid The Price.

Please visit link for article in full.

Libyan civilians VICTIMS of insanity and hypocrisy of the NTC-NATO

#NATO's #Libya: The legacy of Obama, Sarkozy, Cameron, Clinton, Juppé and Hague. Should they pay for it? Then why don't they?

NATO's Libya: A fine mess. 47422.jpeg
The map is from June 25, 2012. The green flags show Jamahiriya-held areas, the flames show combats with the NATO-backed NTC terrorists, the rats show terrorist-controlled areas and the bombs denote NATO terrorist attacks against Libyan patriot forces defending their country from this scourge. Let us take a look at NATO's Libya.

At the beginning of 2011, Libya had the highest human development indices in Africa, one of its highest literacy rates, education was available to all for free, housing was provided to all for free, transportation was subsidised, food was distributed for free. Communities regulated themselves through the Jamahiriya system, self-governance through People's Congresses. These Congresses basically met and decided what they needed and the Government provided it.

Enter the FUKUS-Axis (France, UK, US) coveting Libya's vast sovereign fund, Libya's vast energy resources and standing against Colonel Gaddafi's vast humanitarian projects in Africa, for which he was to receive a special humanitarian prize from the UNO and which also denied the FUKUS Axis' banking, arms, telecoms and other business lobbies billions of dollars in revenue from loans made to corrupted officials across Africa.

Look at this second picture and you will see a young girl, allegedly beaten, tortured and raped by the FUKUS-backed terrorists. This is the scourge they have been backing. There are countless tales of torture, of decapitation, slicing breasts off women in the streets, murder, arson, looting, vandalism, theft, rape. This is what the FUKUS Axis and its leaders have done to Libya - they have turned a peace-loving and peaceful society, a fun-loving society into a land of terrified communities trying their best to fight off the terrorist scourge, trying to block it entering their towns and villages and cities to perpetrate the most shocking acts of butchery Africa has seen in a long more

Libya : Western Media And Certain Journalists - Their LIES Helped Murder The Innocent People Of Libya.

U.K.' journalists' have no right to such a title, they are media war criminals. Please watch the videos at link provided and help spread the word. Let it be known that the same media war criminals now repeat the same lies about Syria for greedy politicians and the zionist movement..!/2012/01/f-se-truth-emerged-from-lies-do-you.html

Libya:Post NATO - 3 Prisoners Tortured To Death.

Quote from SCOOP

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Several prisoners likely were tortured to death at a detention center in Libya under government control, the United Nations said on Thursday as it urged the country to make stamping out such practices a top priority.

Only 3 deads by torture? Is this a Joke?

Friday, June 29, 2012

#Libya:#Megrahi - #WikiLeaks Proves Scotland Was Right On Megrahi Release.

We may never get to the root of the appalling events almost 22 years ago when 270 innocent people died as PanAm flight 103 blew up over Lockerbie.

But the WikiLeaks papers tell us much about the way in which public authorities across a number of countries behaved in the lead up to and aftermath of the release of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi, the only man convicted of the bombing.

The picture that emerges from WikiLeaks may encourage a cynical view of government actions. We can, though, take some comfort from the documentary evidence that the devolved Government behaved impeccably. The leaks provide evidence that the Scottish Government did, indeed, make its decision on compassionate grounds and refused to be bullied into releasing Megrahi by the UK Government. The evidence of extraordinary cynicism on the part of the UK Government and its supporters is shocking. This is best summed up in a communication from US officials in the London embassy who informed Washington that “the UK Government has gotten everything -- a chance to stick it to Salmond’s Scottish National Party (SNP) and good relations with Libya” while Scotland got “nothing”.

It is clear from the documents that expectations of Megrahi’s approaching death prior to his release were shared by more than the Scottish Government. Preparations were in hand for the likely consequences of the Libyan prisoner’s death in Scottish custody involving an “immutable timeline”, as American officials wrote seven months before his release. UK officials had prepared for the prospect of Megrahi’s death in custody and were “focused on transfer under PTA [prisoner transfer agreement]”, believing time was short. The Libyan reaction to the arrest of one of Gaddafi’s son’s in Switzerland had been a sobering experience.

Against this backdrop, Libya’s intention to cease “all UK commercial activity in Libya” immediately, reduce political ties and encourage demonstrations against “UK facilities”, as well as implicit threats to UK citizens in Libya, could not be taken lightly. It is impossible to know how long Megrahi would have lived had he not been released but the indications are that UK and US officials were preparing for an imminent and serious backlash.

While US Government spokesmen have portrayed the Lockerbie bombing as an essentially American event, US officials took a very different view prior to the release of Megrahi. They feared that US interests would be attacked in the event of the Libyan prisoner’s death if the Libyan Government “views the Pan Am 103 case as a joint US-UK issue”. American officials wrote of repercussions “even if we remain neutral”, a discussion of neutrality that sits uncomfortably with the subsequent US official position. more


Libya : The BBC Admit Their Fabricated Reports On Libya And Iraq Facilitated NATO Strikes.

Lizzie Phelan report
So the BBC are actually admitting that theirs and their NATO country media counterparts could have actually brought about TWO illegal aggressions both in Libya and Iraq. And no-one bats an eyelid.  The role of the media is to be the eyes and ears of the public, not a war tool. That the BBC are admitting that they have been the latter and not the former shows to me how the western capitalist elite know so very well that the populations in their home countries have absolutely no interest in resisting their criminality, a criminality which they are very very very open about.
This further confirms my dreaded feeling that not only will we not see any real change brought about by peoples in the NATO countries (US and western Europe) but they will continue to be part of their elites efforts to sabotage genuine progressive and revolutionary change in the South.

BBC quote regarding its Libya coverage: "No doubt these reports, along with similar and in some cases more directly partisan ones in other media, helped stimulate empathy for the rebel cause among the British public, and thereby to facilitate, if not actually bring about, the NATO intervention – as similar reports had done in northern Iraq as long ago as 1991."

Full BBC report here

Extradition To Libya - Extradition To Torture.


The reports that the former Libyan prime minister who was extradited by Tunisia to Libya was tortured highlight the lack of justice and proper institutions in post-Gaddafi Libya, believes journalist Lizzie Phelan. The French lawyer for Al Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi said on Wednesday that her client had his ribs broken and a lung punctured after prison guards seriously beat him. "According to the information I have, it seems that he has been beaten," said lawyer Marcel Ceccaldi as quoted by The Guardian. 

"He is in hospital, under guard." The Libyan authorities however denied the report as rumors. "We would like to say it's wrong, a naked lie that he was attacked and is in a sort of coma. Al-Bagdadi al-Mahmoudi is in good health and he is in need of nothing, God willing," said a NTC spokesman. 

Tunisia extradited the former Libyan prime minister back to his home country on Sunday despite concerns by human rights groups and the Tunisian president himself that al-Mahmoudi could face torture and an unfair trial there. 

Tunisian leader Moncef Marzouki denounced the extradition as “illegal” saying it was done without his consent. There are no signs that a fair trial can take at the moment in Libya, Press TV correspondent Lizzie Phelan said in an interview with RT. 

“There is no such thing as institutions in Libya anymore; there is indeed no such thing as government.” more

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Libya: Lockerbie - U.S. 'We defer to the Department's view on a possible request for Megrahi's compassionate release.'


9:31PM GMT 31 Jan 2011
Ref ID: 09TRIPOLI584
Date: 7/20/2009 15:04
Origin: Embassy Tripoli
Classification: SECRET//NOFORN


U.S. Embassy Tripoli, Department of State. REASON: 1.4 (b),
(d) 1.(S/NF) Summary. Your visit to Libya will set the tone and agenda for the bilateral relationship over the next several months. Libyan officials seek clarification of the Administration's policy toward Libya, especially after their mishandling of the Fathi al-Jahmi case, and are unsure of the degree of engagement they can expect.

They continue to complain that Libya has not been adequately "rewarded" for previous policy decisions to give up its WMD programs and support for terrorism, yet they are remiss in meeting key WMD deadlines.

You can lay out the path toward increased engagement in the wake of the new Washington consensus and press for real progress.

Potential deliverables from the visit include: a statement announcing the intention to engage in a Human Rights Dialogue and a Political-Military Dialogue with high-level State officials; Libya's signing of the HEU-LEU transfer agreement; formation of a visas working group to discuss bilateral visa problems; and setting a date to sign a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA).

You can also privately raise the notion of establishing a Civil-Nuclear Dialogue, incumbent upon GOL signing of the HEU-LEU transfer agreement. The Libyans will be looking for a concept of how we envision conducting the human rights dialogue and assurances regarding the possibility of a meeting between POTUS and Qadhafi on the margins of UNGA. They will also continue to press for security assurances. End Summary.


2.(S/NF) The GOL has been credited with having largely met its WMD commitments; however, the recent track record is worrisome and suggests that it may be deliberately delaying implementation of commitments it has undertaken under the rubric of the U.S.-U.K.-Libya Trilateral Steering and Coordination Committee (TSCC). The GOL has delayed since November 2007 signing a U.S.-Libya agreement for the return of spent nuclear fuel (the HEU-LEU agreement); delayed signing a parallel Russia-Libya agreement; and given no details on plans to sell its uranium yellowcake stockpile.

 If work on the spent nuclear fuel transfer to Russia is not completed by September 30, 2009, the Department of Energy's work to complete the program may be delayed for upwards of two years.

The GOL has also delayed the implementation of its commitments under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) to destroy its remaining stockpile of declared chemical weapons (approximately 25 MT of mustard agent and 860 MT of chemical agent precursor chemicals).

The deadline established by the CWC Conference of the States Parties for the destruction of Libya's mustard stockpile is December 31, 2010; destruction of the remaining inventory of precursor chemicals is to be completed no later than December 31, 2011.

3.(S/NF) A proposed visit by ISN DAS Mitman in late June to discuss Libya's WMD obligations and rewards was scrapped at the eleventh hour when the GOL failed to issue visas to the delegation. GOL interlocutors recently blamed the Prime Minister for slow-rolling on Libya's WMD commitments.

 A GOL official told the DCM that the Foreign Minister planned to address the issue with Qadhafi and that he understood that inaction by the Prime Minister-equivalent, who still views renewed bilateral relations with suspicion, is detrimental to the relationship.

 Post believes the GOL is slow-rolling, in part, as leverage against a guarantee to discuss security assurances. We urge you to press your interlocutors on the need to expeditiously sign the agreement, linking that action (the signing of the HEU shipments) to any future discussions regarding cooperation in the civil nuclear field and a Civil-Nuclear Dialogue.


4.(S/NF) During a recent meeting with the Ambassador, FM-equivalent Musa Kusa expressed agreement on behalf of the GOL to launch a Human Rights Dialogue, whereby the U.S. and GOL would discuss sensitive human rights issues - in both a general and specific sense - and provide a forum for joint-action in the human rights sphere.

You should lay out for the FM a concept of how we envision the dialogue and get agreement for the official launch of the dialogue next month by a team of USG officials. MFA A/S-equivalent Ahmed Fituri has hinted that the GOL may press for inclusion of the Human Rights Dialogue as part of a broader strategic dialogue. The meeting with Musa Kusa may be the appropriate venue to publicly announce our intention to initiate the human rights dialogue.


5.(S/NF) Post began full nonimmigrant visa operations for Libyans in April.

Since that time, we have issued over 1000 non-immigrant visas to Libyans with wait times that range from a TRIPOLI 00000584 002.2 OF 003 few days to several weeks due to Security Advisory Opinion requirements.

The GOL continues to adhere to restrictive visa issuance policies vis-a-vis Americans, including an apparent virtual ban on tourist visas for Americans, lengthy delays and exorbitant fees for American business people, and a long record of visa refusals for USG-sponsored visitors for academic, cultural, science, economic, and other programs.

The GOL has agreed, in principle, to the idea of forming a bilateral visa working group to resolve these issues, including visa reciprocity. During a July 6 meeting with the Ambassador, Musa Kusa maintained that visas for Americans would continue to receive the most scrutiny of any foreign visitors to the Jamahiriya, for security reasons.

 Your underscoring for the Libyans that the current imbalance in visa issuance is not sustainable will show your interlocutors that the issue has been raised to high levels in Washington.

6.(S/NF) An ostensibly related issue involves the treatment of Libyan travelers at U.S. ports of entry, particularly Libyan officials, who are routinely separated from other passengers at ports of entry and questioned extensively about their travel.

GOL officials, who view the issue as a personal affront, will raise it with you.

Musa Kusa and UNPermREP Shalgham are only two of the several high level Libyan officials who have been "mistreated" at our ports of entry, and their experiences have engendered deep resentment here. Your recent letter to DHS described the issue well; we believe that we will not be able to make significant process on visa reciprocity until we make some headway here. A DHS delegation is scheduled to visit Tripoli in late July to address treatment of Libyan officials at U.S. ports of entry/NSEERS issues with GOL counterparts, among other issues. However, the GOL has not yet granted visas to the delegation.


7.(S/NF) USTR has been working with the GOL to finalize a TIFA text for over a year. The GOL last invited Emboffs to review the draft text on November 24, 2008. Despite post's attempts to discuss TIFA with Libyan trade officials at every possible opportunity, the text has languished on the Libyan side. We would like to press the GOL to sign a TIFA as soon as possible. We concur with USTR view that the signing should take place even in light of renewed problems regarding Caterpillar and potential problems involving the Chevrolet dealership. We may have a better hand to play on these issues when we can argue them out in this formal framework.


8.(S/NF) The Megrahi case is likely to be an agenda item for your interlocutors. Qadhafi raised the issue during his July 9 meeting with UK PM Gordon Brown, and recent press reports suggest that Megrahi's physical condition is deteriorating (although the UK Embassy was not able to corroborate such reports during a July 19 meeting with the CDA). If the issue is raised, we recommend that you remind Libyan officials that the decision to allow a Prisoner Transfer Agreement (PTA) for Megrahi is a matter for the Scottish Government to decide. UK Embassy officials believe that a PTA decision could be forthcoming in mid-August. We defer to the Department's view on a possible request for Megrahi's compassionate release.


9.(S/NF) While Libya's regional focus at present seems to have concentrated primarily on its pan-African agenda, Qadhafi has skillfully leveraged the AU Chairmanship to ingratiate himself with European and South American leaders - most recently Silvio Berlusconi.

His visits to Moscow, Madrid, Paris, Lisbon, and Rome have afforded him opportunities to sign military-to-military agreements and to engage on civil-nuclear issues, as well as to negotiate commercial energy and investment deals.

 He has even exploited EU, especially Italian, concerns about illegal immigration to press forward his security and political agendas.

 As Qadhafi's engagement as an African leader has expanded, he has notably decreased his efforts in the Arab world.

Nevertheless, he continues to tout his vision for a one-state solution between the Israelis and the Palestinians - "Isratine" - including during his May meeting with AFRICOM Commander General Ward. The Libyans will appreciate anything you can relate regarding the work of Special Envoy Mitchell and how we see Administration policy playing out in the peace process.

TRIPOLI 00000584 003.2 OF 003
10.(S/NF) The desire on the Libyan part for a POTUS-Qadhafi meeting at UNGA in New York is palpable. In our discussions here, we have implicitly linked a "good atmosphere" for that meeting to Libyan agreement on the human rights dialogue. With their assent to that proposal and the handshake in L'Aquila, the Libyans will seek assurances that the meeting will happen. To the extent you can bring any further clarification on that, the more warmly you will be welcomed by your interlocutors.


11.(C/NF) On the embassy front, we have experienced significant personnel changes, and the new team is settling in nicely. We are disappointed that the move of the entire embassy to the villa site has been pushed back by several weeks, but we are looking forward to the time when the mission will be united. We have a good LES staff, but they have not been fully integrated into the embassy ethic given the distance between the two sites.

12.(C/NF) We continue to need high-level engagement from the GOL to facilitate our efforts to purchase a property for a New Embassy Compound (NEC) and close the deal on compensation for our seven U.S. properties here in Tripoli.

You may want to remind Libyan officials that a New Embassy Compound will be an important symbol of our growing relationship.
You may also want to seek the Prime Minister's assistance in resolving outstanding payments due under the compensation agreement for our seven properties.

The Land Registry Office claims that it has not received funds to implement the agreement, while the Ministry of Finance claims that the Land Registry Office has the funds. We believe the Prime Minister's intervention will be needed to resolve this standoff. POLASCHIK

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Libya : The Libyan Civil War - New Graphic Website.

Warning: This site contains images and graphic descriptions of extreme violence and/or its effects. It's not as bad as it could be, but is meant to be shocking. Readers should be 18+ or a mature 17 or so. There is also some foul language occasionally, and potential for general upsetting of comforting conventional wisdom. Please view with discretion.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Libya : NATO Murdered Gaddafi To Prevent Him From Burying The Good Old American Buck!

Libya: Gaddafi The NWO Obstacle. - Eliminating Him Was The ONLY Goal.

NATO Slaughter : Libya Documentary - The Facts.

Uploaded by on 13 Nov 2011

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

#Libya :Trial - Day One Against Gaddafi Official.

Source: Al Jazeera - Unreliable ,known CIA mouthpiece. Exposed fabricating stories against Syria to aid NATO strikes.