Friday, June 29, 2012

Libya : The BBC Admit Their Fabricated Reports On Libya And Iraq Facilitated NATO Strikes.

Lizzie Phelan report
So the BBC are actually admitting that theirs and their NATO country media counterparts could have actually brought about TWO illegal aggressions both in Libya and Iraq. And no-one bats an eyelid.  The role of the media is to be the eyes and ears of the public, not a war tool. That the BBC are admitting that they have been the latter and not the former shows to me how the western capitalist elite know so very well that the populations in their home countries have absolutely no interest in resisting their criminality, a criminality which they are very very very open about.
This further confirms my dreaded feeling that not only will we not see any real change brought about by peoples in the NATO countries (US and western Europe) but they will continue to be part of their elites efforts to sabotage genuine progressive and revolutionary change in the South.

BBC quote regarding its Libya coverage: "No doubt these reports, along with similar and in some cases more directly partisan ones in other media, helped stimulate empathy for the rebel cause among the British public, and thereby to facilitate, if not actually bring about, the NATO intervention – as similar reports had done in northern Iraq as long ago as 1991."

Full BBC report here